Hello, World!
random hardwareWell hello, everyone! monoid.run
is an electronic music project in
its infancy, and I want to tell you all about it.
I would have preferred to start out with some music to listen to, or a video or something—unfortunately none of that stuff exists yet. Instead, I’ll just write down some of my thoughts and plans about this project, and what we might expect from it in the future.
What’s this about?
Alright, let’s talk about things that were, things that are, and things that have not yet come to pass. Unlike the originator of this quote I’m not 8372 years old, but I have been making music for a while now. Until recently, this was mainly in the bunch-of-people-in-a-room-configuration, on guitar and vocals. Over time, I have been playing around with synthesizers more and more, and acquired a bunch of hardware as well.
As it turns out, the premise of hardware being more immediate and engaging than software instruments is absolutely true (at least for me), and I’m having a blast just jamming around and tweaking sounds. To force myself to move beyond just “jamming around”, I decided to make it a proper project, name and all, hoping that it motivates me to actually finish a few songs.
About the name
I have been using Monoid for all kinds of sonic experiments and
artwork tests for a long time now. I came across the word in its
original context (abstract algebra, see the
Monoid Wikipedia page if
you’re interested) and it stuck with me as a really cool sounding
word. As it turns out, I’m not the only one thinking this—there are
multiple artists on Spotify with this name already, and it’s taken for
all the typical top-level domains as well. So I went hunting for
alternative domains first and, as you know from the address bar of
your browser already, found monoid.run
available. I really liked the
idea of the domain being just the name, no <name>-band.whatever
anything, and Monoid Run doesn’t sound half-bad either. So I snagged
the domain, set up hosting, and here we are! I’m not sure if I will
keep stylizing the name as monoid.run
, I don’t want people to call
it Monoid Dot Run, but I do like the fact that it’s exactly the
domain… Well if pg.lost are okay with it, so am I.
What to expect
Music, of course! There will not be any full-length album drops coming any time soon, though. I will probably post a video every now and then, whenever I found some cool new sounds or snippets that might make it into a song. In terms of genre, I’m aiming for a synthwave-meets-atmospheric-black-metal vibe—not sure how this will turn out or if it maybe changes completely soon, but it’s what I have in my mind for now.
In the meantime, to fulfill my urge of telling the world about this project, I’ll write some more words! I’ll probably do some posts about the hardware I’m using and what I think about it, and maybe even about the tech I used to create this website (because I think it’s really neat).
So stay tuned and watch this space!